Saturday, March 22, 2008

In my world... everyone eats rainbows, and poops butterflies!

SO FANTASTIC. Patrick asked me today if I wanted to see the Horton movie, and I decided against it because I was afraid it would ruin how awesome that clip is. Although I have no idea why she makes that creepy face and seeps into the bushes. If someone's seen the movie, please enlighten me. hehehehe pooping butterflies... makes me giggle every time I see it. LOVE IT!

"A person's a person, no matter how small."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Visible Nipplage?

What is the deal with visible nipples? My mom always told me that it was a horrible fashion-no no, and I would never walk out of the house under such a condition (nor do I own bras that create such problems on a regular basis). But I have seen so many actresses on TV or in movies or in magazine photo-shoots with visible nipples. Considering that so much thought and effort goes into dressing these ladies for such events, WHY would their nipples be showing if it was such a horrible fashion faux pas? I'm not talking about like seeing actual nipplage, but like seeing the impression of them raised through clothing. I once received an urgent phone call from the sports editors at the Daily Prince because a field hockey player in a photo that I had edited for them earlier that evening had her nipples showing through her jersey. Another editor ended up blurring out the incriminating nipples for me so that I didn't have to make the long walk back over, but the question is, if the young woman chose to wear a sports bra that didn't provide enough coverage, is it really our duty to edit out her nipples? And would it have been so bad for her nipples to have been on the front page?

In other news, this video made me discover how much I like the song "For Good" from wicked. Is it just that I'm getting old and sentimental? PS Idina Menzel is so fantastic. Did I mention that she is my idol?